Vulnerability Management

Our cybersecurity approach is tailored to the specific dataflows and operational needs of your business. With a dataflow-driven strategy, our team of security experts can effectively safeguard you against potential breaches in your industry.
Our Vulnerability Management service encompasses a range of key features and approaches:

Fusion Center is a managed Security Operations Center (SOC) that provides a comprehensive service package to ensure the security of business information for organizations of all sizes with a focus on the customer's specific vertical. The primary mission is to prevent, detect, and respond to cybersecurity incidents, with Subject Matter Expertise in OT (Operational Technology) and critical infrastructures.


Maritime Cybersecurity

LTI Global isn't just your run-of-the-mill maritime cyber company — it's the bold, the brilliant, and the first-ever maritime-specific security operation center pioneer! With a reputation for excellence that leaves competitors in the wake, LTI Global isn't just a trusted partner in the maritime industry; it's a trailblazer with attitude.
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Key Functionalities in Maritime Cybersecurity

UNABRIDGED Managed Detection & Response

  • On-Ship
  • At Port
  • Corporate IT

COMPLETE visibility

  • OT Systems
  • IoT endpoints
  • IT applications

MATCHLESS CTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence)

  • Purpose-built for the marine industry
  • Proven in NATO and Navy operations

Cargo Shipping

Fortifying Cargo Shipping Through Risk Mitigation Mastery

Private Yachts

Elevating Cybersecurity for Luxury Yachts

Cruise Lines

Safeguarding Cruise Lines withTailored Cybersecurity Solutions

Excellence is Our Specialty

Our commitment to excellence is evident in our core values, which revolve around crafting bespoke solutions tailored to individual needs. We pride ourselves on fostering unwavering client loyalty through our outcome-based model (OBM) that guarantees unmatched success. We are constantly pushing boundaries to stay ahead of the ever-evolving technological landscape, ensuring our clients remain protected.

Empowering Healthcare, CIP, and Retail Commercial Sectors with Unrivaled Cybersecurity Solutions

At LTI Global, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of cybersecurity services and support, particularly for those in the Healthcare, Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), and Retail Commercial sectors. Our Fusion Center is a comprehensive solution that provides 24/7 monitoring, threat detection, and incident response, tailored to the specific needs of these industries.
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Secure Your Healthcare Organization's Critical Assets: Advanced Vulnerability Management for Uncompromising Data Protection

Unitizing the industries only Healthcare specific Cyber Threat Heat Map which can predict how cybercriminals could attempt to compromise your systems.
Healthcare organizations, with their vast amounts of sensitive patient data, are particularly susceptible to cyber threats. Our Vulnerability Management solution provides continuous monitoring and assessment of your network infrastructure, identifying potential vulnerabilities and offering remediation recommendations to strengthen your security posture. With our proactive approach, we help healthcare providers mitigate risks, maintain regulatory compliance, and safeguard patient confidentiality.
Our expert team offers tailored remediation recommendations that address specific vulnerabilities, ensuring your organization remains resilient against evolving cyber risks. Trust our robust Vulnerability Management solution to safeguard your critical assets and maintain the trust of patients and stakeholders alike.

Cutting-Edge CIP Security Services for Uninterrupted Operations and Resilience

LTI Global's Fusion Center stands as a dedicated Cybersecurity Operations Center (SOC) tailored to serve critical infrastructure organizations of all sizes. Our Fusion Center specializes in safeguarding IT, OT, and IoT operations, offering a meticulously crafted service package that encompasses essential security tools customized to match your core infrastructure devices, technologies, and dataflows.

With a keen focus on understanding our clients' unique needs, Fusion Center conducts thorough analysis, ensuring that our solutions are intricately designed to align precisely with your business's technical and security objectives.
See Our Portfolio

Comprehensive Solutions for Customer Data Protection and Secure E-Commerce Operations

In the Retail industry, protecting customer data, securing payment systems, and ensuring seamless e-commerce operations are essential. Our retail security services address these specific needs, providing comprehensive solutions to mitigate risks associated with point-of-sale systems, e-commerce platforms, and customer data protection. We help retail businesses adhere to industry standards such as PCI DSS, implement secure payment gateways, conduct regular vulnerability assessments, and establish robust incident response plans.
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2-Axis Assessment: Uncover Hidden Weaknesses, Strengthen Your Defenses

Our 2-Axis Assessment combines a horizontal evaluation of weaknesses across your technology landscape with vertical penetration testing to assess the potential business impact of compromised systems.

With our horizontal approach, we meticulously analyze every layer of your technology infrastructure, including networks, systems, applications, and databases. This thorough evaluation helps us identify vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and weak points that may exist within your overall technology landscape. By examining the breadth of your infrastructure, we gain a holistic view of your organization's security posture and potential entry points for attackers.
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Offensive Services Division

Also known as a red team, the LTI OffSec team of professionals is responsible for actively simulating cyber-attacks on an organization's systems and infrastructure. Their primary objective is identifying vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and gaps in overall security posture, helping the organization strengthen its defenses against real-world cyber threats. We strive to identify and correct all potential entry points, weak configurations, misconfigurations, and other vulnerabilities that hackers might exploit to gain unauthorized access, steal sensitive data, or disrupt operations.
Vulnerability assessment
Vulnerability Assessment is a horizontal testing, to find out, what vulnerabilities the target system has. In this case, there is no intrusion into the system in depth, we only validate the results. The purpose of the analysis is to draw the customer's attention to the vulnerabilities discovered and to suggest solutions. Types of assessment: web, network, mobile application, software.
Penetration testing
Pentest is a vertical, in depth test, in which we strive to reach the lowest possible level in the system. To do this, we select the vulnerabilities that result in the most advantageous situation for performing the process. The main purpose is to reveal what deeper levels of the system are reachable, what information could be acquired, the possibility to run a malicious code, the chances to open a backdoor and to maintain persistent threat.
Vulnerability lifecycle management
Within the framework of our service, we assess the type, structure, extent and division of the systems to be examined. In cooperation with the Customer, we propose an on-premise (locally installed and operated), cloud-based, or hybrid solution. It is possible to integrate various vulnerability testing solutions with different ticketing and SIEM systems. During the process, after defining the needs we select the solution that best meets the expectations, install and integrate the solution, train the employees if necessary, or provide management for the preferred tool.
Red teaming
In the course of red teaming, several attacks are built on each other and run in parallel, such as social engineering, application intrusion testing, network intrusion testing. The purpose of the attacks is to identify real threats, that can be exploited during a possible malicious attack, thereby providing data leakage and even compromising the entire system / network to the attacker.
During an OSINT assessment, we utilize publicly available sources (social media, news portals, job offerings, corporate websites, etc.), to build a nexus of data which then subjected to correlation tests and analysis to provide the customer a whole picture about the organization’s online presence.
Social engineering
During Social Engineering, the attacker strives to gain access to the organization's information assets and electronic information systems through misleading and exploiting employees. The two vectors of the attack are aimed at exploiting the basic human nature, including the use of helpfulness / empathy and conflict avoidance of the subject person. No matter how advanced the security of a system is, if the information security awareness of the users is inadequate, the degree of protection is significantly reduced. Social engineering measures the degree of "maturity" of the employee security awareness and the physical security solutions.
Industrial Control System Assessment
The assessment is done in a test or in a strictly controlled live environment with restricted testing.
During the testing we do reconnaissance of network and attached devices, analysis of network separation, border protection solutions, identification of potential vulnerabilities; examine the services, protocols, and communication directions used by given devices; detection, analysis and validation of PLCs, RTUs, ICS-specific routers and switches, HMI and other device OS and application layer vulnerabilities.
As a result, you will receive feedback on the IT security situation of your industrial control system and, in case of any non-compliancy, suggestions for fixing, hence improving the security of your IT environment

General Phishing simulations
During te simulation, we measure the security awareness-maturity of the organization’s employees by launching a targeted phishing attack..
The end result of the process is a summary report that includes:
• percentage of employees fell victim to a phishing attack;
• what data could be extracted during the study period; and
• the risks this poses to the organization.
Optionally, an education package can be developed to make it easier for the employees to recognize, identify, and report phishing attempts.

Post Incident Response: Rapid Response, Seamless Recovery

Our Post Incident Response service ensures that if a cybersecurity incident is detected, we take immediate action as the incident controller and execute a comprehensive plan throughout the engagement.

When an incident occurs, our experienced incident response team swiftly takes charge, assuming the role of incident controller. We initiate a well-defined incident response plan that has been carefully crafted based on industry best practices and tailored to your specific organization. Our team follows a systematic approach to manage and contain the incident, minimizing the potential damage and facilitating a swift return to normal operations.
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At LTI Global, we go beyond generic security approaches and deliver vertical-specific security services that cater to the unique challenges and compliance requirements of the Healthcare, CIP, and Retail sectors. With our expertise and industry knowledge, we help organizations in these sectors fortify their security posture, mitigate risks, and maintain the trust of their customers and stakeholders. Partner with us to leverage our vertical-specific security services and stay one step ahead of cyber threats.

Empower Your Organization's Security

Don't leave your organization's security to chance. Partner with LTI Global and leverage our expertise in Vulnerability Management to proactively identify and mitigate risks. Safeguard your systems, protect your valuable data, and maintain the trust of your customers.
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